Wednesday, September 16, 2009

EDRG 3344 Writing Process

Hello Everyone, I hope YA’LL HAD A GREAT DAY! =)
Ok, today I want to talk about writing is a……….p-r-o-c-e-s-s, which makes process! Yayy
It contains 5 steps to make a complete paper: Pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and publish.
1. Pre-writing- Helps organize your thoughts and ideas. For an example Semantic maps, story board, burger (order of sequence) and etc. can help organize it. Here you can brainstorm the setting, plot and characters. Pre-writing is more like gathering different ideas and from there you can choose which fits best.
2. Drafting- Is like creating a rough draft, (first paper before writing your final paper). It can be written like a paper, journal, blog, or in a computer.
3. Revising- This is when you can change/add or delete sentences as well as content and ideas. We use this part in the drafting paper in order to create a good final paper.
4. Editing- Is when you check for misspelling words/Capt./punctuation.PUBLISH! - Finally after following the Process steps, you have created a good paper and ready to show your audience how well you have done your paper

5. PUBLISH! - Finally after following the Process steps, you have created a good paper and ready to show your audience how well you have done your paper. =)

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